Patrick Mahomes throwback photo gallery: From little league to falling in love with high school sweetheart Brittany Matthews

Family and his fiancee are the most important things in the world to the quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs when he is not driving his team to victory. Retrace his steps on the way to winning the Super Bowl.

Mahomes has always been prepared to be the center of attention, beginning when he was a young child of little baby age.

Ma’am An embrace is given by Randi Martin to her firstborn child, who is the older brother of Jackson and Mia Mahomes.



Brittany Matthews, Mahomes’s fiancee, posted a side-by-side photo collection of Mahomes when he was younger, standing in his baseball and basketball outfits.

When Jackson, the quarterback’s younger brother, turned 18 years old, the quarterback honored him with a special shoutout.

During his time in high school, the future NFL player was so successful that he was named the American State Bank Player of the Year for two consecutive years.



Baseball was another sport in which Mahomes excelled. He was on the verge of following in his father’s footsteps (Pat Mahomes Sr. played for a number of Major League Baseball clubs from 1992 to 2003, including the Minnesota Twins, Boston Red Sox, and Chicago Cubs), but he ultimately decided to seek a career in playing football instead.

It is important to acknowledge greatness! An encouraging pat was given to a young Mahomes by the legendary baseball player Derek Jeter, who also signed the adorable photograph at the same time.

On the occasion of his mother’s birthday in 2016, the devoted son presented her with a collage of photographs from the family.

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